The Hottest Male Feet, Sock & Male Tickling Photos, Videos & Stories On The Web!

After Texting Peter
by Marcello

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One day Peter and I are texting.

He finally accepts the idea of me licking his feet, so the next day we meet in the bathroom next to math. We go to the end stall. I lock the door. Peter sits down on the toilet and I sit at the end on the floor. His feet r there with the red brooks shoes and his fila white socks too. I bring my nose to his left shoe ad smell. I smell rubber and sweat. I go to the other shoe and smell it too. I smell more rubber and sweat. My heart beat raises. I gently lick the sole part of his shoe slowly on the left shoe. I taste rubber. I gently lick his right shoe this time the sole and his heel. I go back to the left shoe and lick the top where the strings are. My tongue un-weaves the laces and I smell his socks foot.

I go to the other foot and lick his laces apart. His shoes are hanging and I pull them off. I smell his shoe where his foot was in both. The sweaty smell explodes in my nose. I smell the other shoe. I go to his white socked feet. I feel them with my hands. They are soft and moist. They are a little wet at the toes. I lick underneath his toes with his sock on. The sweat goes on my tongue. I lick his sole next with my tongue. Across the whole foot and down to his heel. I lick up his heal. I smell his foot again. Then I go to the top of the foot. I lick across that up to his ankle. I put his toes in my mouth. I go to his right socked foot. I kick the bottom of his toes.

Then I gather a wad of saliva and lick it across his sole. I then go to his heel and suck on the sock grabbing the sock with my teeth. I then go to his top of his foot and lick and smell it. Then I go back to his left foot and grab the sock with my teeth. I pull it off. The smell explodes and the heat coming off of his feet goes near me and the smelly feet smell goes up my nose. I lick the top of his foot immediately. I lick it twice. Then I go to his toes. I put them in my mouth. Then I suck. I continue to suck and them I lick in between each toe. I put each in individual toe in my mouth and suck on each one. Then I drop a wad of saliva on his toes and lick it across. I go to his sole. I lick up his sole where is arch is. I lick the side of his sole. I then go to his heal. I put my mouth on it and suck hard. The salty ness explodes. I lick it up and down and go to his ankle. I lick around his ankle ad swerve my tongue on it too.

I return to his toes and suck on each one again. I lick in between each toe again and then go to his sole which I lick his arched foot again and taste the saltiness. His foot is no soaked with saliva and even dripping of it. I go to his right foot and lick the top of his foot. I drag my tongue down to his toes and put them in my mouth and suck. I lick in between each toe again and suck on his toes again. I put each one individually in my mouth and suck. I drop a wad of spit onto them and go to his sole. I lick his sole down to his heel which I pass the arch with my tongue. I lick his side of his foot and go lick his arch again. It is really sweaty and salty. I go to his heel and suck it and lick it and swerve my tongue around it. I go back to his toes and suck each one and lick in between each one. I put his feet together and smell them and lick them rubbing the saliva all over my face.

I finish and thank Peter for letting me worship his sweaty feet when he was wearing my favorite socks.